Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Being an one of the top machine learning company in India, we provide advanced machine learning solutions at 60% less cost. We have India's best machine learning and artificial intelligence development team that helps businesses think, predict & act smartly in this digital era.

AI and machine learning are taking industries by storm, arming them with advanced predictive and state-of-the-art decision-making capabilities. Machine learning SDKs, frameworks, tools, and APIs are available today that make it easier to adopt these next-gen technologies. Yet a yawning gap in skill sets is frustrating the process for many, leading to wastage of resources. Our machine learning expertise and experience fill that shortage, accelerating the business value of investments in innovative technologies.


Deep Learning


Recognition of speech, sounds, and images comes naturally to the human brain. Machines can replicate the neural system of the brain with the aid of massive computational power and advanced algorithms. Multi-layered artificial neural networks can learn patterns from millions of images and sound samples they are trained on. Deep learning enables machines to understand spoken words in real time, recognize and describe images, play games, and even diagnose diseases. In some tasks, they even outperform humans. We work on deep learning frameworks to build business applications that can supplement human faculties.

Machine Learning



Content-based and collaborative filtering algorithms can be used to generate user-specific recommendations. These recommendations may include a set of similar items based on the common features of products chosen by users as well as items preferred by similar users.


Gauging sentiments of people from voters to customers has become vital for campaigns in fields as diverse as politics and retail. Deploying natural language processing, sentiments can be mined to help build more responsive campaigns and modify brand positioning.

Medical Image

Supervised machine learning techniques are deployed in medical image analysis for computer-assisted diagnosis of certain brain disorders. Models trained on large datasets of labeled images (such as CT and MRI scans) can automatically detect indicators of disease and help doctors make a prognosis.


Models built on known cases of legitimate and fraudulent transactions can assign suspicion scores for new transactions and identify credit card fraud. A host of algorithms including decision trees, neural networks, regression, SVM, and k-means clustering are used for this. Predictive modeling is also used for insurance fraud detection.

Machine Learning Expertise

Our expertise spans the entire machine learning ecosystem

Frameworks/Libraries Data Mining Tools Cloud Platforms Datasets
TensorFlow R Azure Machine Learning ImageNet
PyTorch WEKA AWS Machine Learning Common Crawl
Keras RapidMiner AWS SageMaker PASCAL VOC
Scikit-learn Google Cloud AI COCO
Tesseract CIFAR

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